My Story

Malgorzata the owner, immigrated to the USA from Poland in 2009 with just one luggage and her 9 months old baby at the time. She had to learn quickly how to provide for her family as a single mother. She always had a passion for healthcare and helping other people, so she became a nurse. She found herself working with oncology patients. She witnesses every day the struggles these patients have to overcome. Anxiety, depression, and stress are the components of their daily living. She found herself a lot of time being stressed and sad because of the nature of her job. She found the relief in lighting the candles. However, as a nurse she knew that 90% of candles contain toxins that are released during burning. Together with her sister Agata, she decided to find a solution to this problem, creating not only toxin free natural beeswax candles, but also combining them with original Polish amber crystals. These stones are well known for centuries to absorb negative energies and to stimulate everything around it to heal itself. Please support their mission of delivering these nature inspired candles to anyone around you.